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Review ChiRunning Workshop

Average Attendee Reviews


Most Helpful Review

Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 4.5/5
**Finding my Chi**

The workshop was packed with knowledge and experience. I finally got the courage to ask for help. I desired to graduate from walking to jogging. My Athena size had be believing that I would never be able to jog or run without causing injuries. Of course if I attempted to run my untrained way I would have hurt myself. My joints would have been in so much pain. My expectation of the workshop was exceeded. Coach Lloyd adjusted my body, I was elated to jog faster than I ever have ran.

Karen K. d. 0/0 found this review helpful.
ChiRunning Workshop

2025 ChiRunning Workshop Info

All ChiRunning Workshop Reviews

Course: 5.0/5
Organization: 4.5/5
2018 Race Review
Review On:2018-12-11 08:25:41
**Finding my Chi**

The workshop was packed with knowledge and experience. I finally got the courage to ask for help. I desired to graduate from walking to jogging. My Athena size had be believing that I would never be able to jog or run without causing injuries. Of course if I attempted to run my untrained way I would have hurt myself. My joints would have been in so much pain. My expectation of the workshop was exceeded. Coach Lloyd adjusted my body, I was elated to jog faster than I ever have ran.

Karen K. d. has attended 1 times 0/0 found this review helpful.
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The ChiRunning Workshop reviews contained on this site do not neccessarily reflect the opinions of Race Entry or our affiliates. We have methods in place to indicate when a review came from a verified attendee. A review without our "verified attendee" seal may have still come from a real attendee, but we were not able to verify it. Look for ChiRunning Workshop verified attendee reviews that contain this symbol at the bottom of the review: ChiRunning Workshopverified review

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